Welcome to high protein: B.T.R. NATION's version πŸ’•

Our PROTEIN+ line is unlike any other protein bar on the market. It actually delivers on taste, nutrition, macros, AND ingredients βœ…

There's A TON of artificial junk-laden bars out there boasting high protein at the expense of our health.

Some bars are jam packed with sugar alcohols (they even have laxative effect warnings on the product..) πŸ’©

Some bars are a real life science experiment with companies taking as many shortcuts as possible to give you low quality protein with no real nutritional value πŸ§ͺ

We knew we could do better.Β 

PROTEIN+ has 15g of complete plant protein, 0g added sugar, NO sugar alcohols, NO stevia, NO allulose, NO seed oils, NO "flavorings", NOTHING ARTIFICIAL, ever.